Drive Me (non NDIS)

Drive Me – Mentoring Program (non NDIS)

Drive me is a Driving Experience Mentoring Program to help you get the required 75 hours for your P’s. 

 The goal of this program is to overcome your challenges for getting your P’s, increase opportunities to learn about employment or traineeships, and acquire necessary skills and develop good driving behaviour.  

  • You will participate in a four-hour road safety program, before driving practice commences. 
  • We will provide you with a Trained Driving Mentor (Responsible Supervising Driver)  
  • Your Driving Mentor may be a volunteer with Youth Options 
  • We will provide the use our modified car to undertake driving practice 

 For fees and charges, please contact Youth Options on 08 8388 6600. 

Please Note: To start the Drive Me Program a minimum of 4 lessons and must be completed with a professional driving instructor and the final driving test must be successfully completed with a professional driving instructor (depending on your funding this cost may not be included in the Drive Me Program).  

For extra information, please contact Youth Options’ Operations Manager: Rick Henke on his email: 

Download the ‘Drive Me’ Flyer

STEM for Girls (Past Program)

Expanding Horizons – Girls Like Us

Try it…. Do it… Own it! 

The Expanding Horizons: Girls Like Us program is an experiential learning program designed for girls in year 8 and 9 to inspire them to take up STEM subjects at school and raises their aspirations for exciting and rewarding STEM careers. 

It’s easy to be cool. To be AMAZING requires STEM!

The program is run in an inspiring, flexible and engaging environment, where girls will identify projects they are interested in.

Our Expanding Horizons Coordinator will facilitate the program with your school and girls and will be supported by our STEM Mentors. We Will engage with leading female STEM professionals, academics and entrepreneurs to provide experiential learning experiences. 

Over the ten weeks your girls will journey through learning to engage – explore – solve – collaborate – research – aspire – and celebrate – all while discovering exciting STEM pathways. 

*this project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science through the Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship Program. 

Learn the Tools of Trades

Rule the Tools is a program to help participants learn about and familiarise themselves with common tools used in trade-base apprenticeships and traineeships, but also for Trade Assistant and Labouring Jobs. Activities can include group and individual work. Activities will include watching demonstrations on the safe and effective use of tools as well as using those tools themselves.

They will work on a small project that will put what they have learnt into practice. Participants will learn to apply instructions and techniques in the use of tools to undertake a task. They will learn trade specific terminology and language and use oral communication to describe their projects and tasks. Participants will learn to work in a team environment and share tools and resources, including clean-up and pack-up. Activities will include measuring distances and volumes. 

Speak to your jobactive, transiton to work or DES provider TODAY.

or Call Youth Options on 08 8388 6600

Download The Rule The Tools Flyer

Get Moving (non NDIS)

Get Moving – Mentoring Program (non NDIS)

Get Moving is a learning program for Young People to obtain their Learner’s permit for driving.  

Get Moving Includes activities to learn road rules, undertake practice tests and support to attend testing centre.  


The Goal is to get your L’s – (Learners Permit) 


 For fees and charges, please contact Youth Options on 08 8388 6600. 

Download the ‘Get Moving’ Flyer

Furniture, Homeware & Arts Training

FHAT Designs

“Furniture, Homeware & Arts Training”

  • Create quality products
  • Learn to start your own business
  • Meet with artists and guest speakers
  • Explore your career pathways

Why Join?

FHAT Designs provides you with the training to develop your own pathway into the furniture, homeware and arts industry. Youth Space is part of a suite of programs within Youth Options. and is a Department for Education Approved Panel Provider for Cases Management Services and Flexible Learning Programs.

What: Practical based learning program creating products and options for pathways. Accreditation per school

Where: Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide

Essential Criteria:

  • Young People 18 to 25 years old
  • Pathway interests or skills in:
    • Furniture construction or renovation,
    • homewares,
    • art & design including: sculpture, drawing, printing, wood, metalwork acrylic, concrete, textile, paint.

Find Your Career Path

Pathfinder – Game Your Career

Work, careers, money. It can be difficult to know where to start. Understanding your strengths and what’s out there can assist you get the life you want. Pathfinder is a career exploration program that uses virtual and real world activities to help you plan to get ahead. In the Pathfinder Program you will gain confidence and get started on the life you want.

Take part in virtual and real-world activities to increase your motivation and develop employability skills to build confidence and ability to enter the workforce. It’s not just about any job – being able to choose jobs that are a good fit for you, will help get and keep the right one.

Pathfinder is focused on the first step in the Choose-Get-Keep model – identifying an occupational goal which is achievable, realistic in the current labour market and match to values, interests and aptitudes. Pathfinder is aligned to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development and uses Gamification principles to engage users. 

Download the Brochure

Woodworking Program

A learning program – allowing participants to engage in creative woodwork projects to:

  • Increase their awareness and understanding of WHS and Workshop safety signs and instructions.
  • Learn how to safely and effectively use hand and power tools such as: saws, drills, sanders, grinders, hammers, screw drivers, planers, and more!
  • Learn to read and follow project plans, diagrams and instructions.

Our mentors are trained and experienced in strengthening participant confidence and self-esteem, independent living skills, communications skills and social skills.

Delivery Location and Methodology

Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide.

This program will be delivered in our workshop.

Support Category/Registration Group

Core – 0125 – participation in community, social and civic activities

Capacity Building – 0116 – innovative community participation

Capacity Building – 0117 – Development of Daily living and life skills

School Leaver Employment Support (SLES)


Help to Get and Keep a Job

On The Job

On The Job support is designed to enable NDIS participants to successfully obtain and/or retain employment.

Individual support from a mentor who guides and helps the journey to work!

Informational interviews with employers.

Work Experience and volunteering to get on the job experience.

Help with looking for a job, job applications and interview skills.

Delivery Location and Methodology

Face2Face, Group Environment at Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide and/or other Locations

and/or Via Zoom/TEAMS Online

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building – 0102 – Finding and keeping a job

Core – 0125


Explore Self-Employment


BizAbility – Think Ability, Then Design Your Business

BizAbility assists people living with disability explore entrepreneurship as a pathway to achieving self-employment using human centred design (HCD) methodology. You will identify an idea for self-employment matched to your abilities and circumstances, test assumptions and create an action plan to achieve self-employment using the 5 core modules of Design Thinking: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

Throughout the program, you will have access to a mentor for individual support and assistance. You will also become part of a community where you can share your experience with others and hear from entrepreneurs with lived disability and business experience.

We see successful participants leave the program with a stronger purpose, awareness of opportunities and increased motivation to achieve self-employment.

Outcomes include:

  • Increased understanding of self-employment and skills needed
  • Raised confidence to start their self-employment journey

Available to NDIS Participants:

  • 17 to 65 years old
  • Want to explore self-employment/business
  • 12 months of learning & mentoring
  • Approx. 12 weeks (3 hours per week) exploring & learning
  • Approx. 40 weeks (3 hours per week) business mentoring
  • Approx. Cost is $10,920

Please contact the BizAbility Team:

Nate Overbeeke on 08 8388 6600

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building:

– Increased Social and Community Participation – Innovative Community Participation

– Development of daily living and life skills (in some circumstances)


– Access to community, social and rec activities (in some circumstances)

Download the BizAbility Flyer

Drive Me – P’s (NDIS)


We have currently directly empowered 13 eight young people to achieve their provisional P1 driver’s licence. We are incredibly proud of each and every one for the example they have set in their courage and commitment to achieve an incredible milestone on their pathway to live a life of purpose.

Drive Me Badge

Drive Me (P’s Program)

Drive Me is a Driving Experience Mentoring Program to help you get the required 75 hours for your P’s. The goal of this program is to overcome your challenges for getting your P’s, increase opportunities to learn about employment or traineeships, and acquire necessary skills and develop good driving behaviour.

    • To start the Drive Me Program a minimum of 4 lessons must be completed with a professional driving instructor.
    • We will provide you with a Trained Driving Mentor (Responsible Supervising Driver) and the use of our modified car
    • You will participate in a four-hour road safety program, before driving practice commences
    • To attain the required 75 hours, you will attend 1.5 hours twice per week for one2one mentored driving practice. The time and day is negotiated with you and our NDIS Mentor

Please Note:

  • The hours required to achieve the P’s depends on the participant progress and capabilities. (everyone is different)
  • The program includes an estimated 60 kilometres per session of activity based transport. Please note only actual distance driven will be invoiced.
  • Final driving test (VORT) must be successfully completed with a professional driving instructor; this cost is not included in Drive Me Program.

This program can be funded under Core Supports or Capacity Building Supports depending on your available NDIS funding.
NB: If using capacity building funding to access the program, the cost of the VORT will need to be self-funded.

Year 12 School Leaver


Tomorrow Me – School Leaver Employment Supports

“Work, career, independence and choice. It’s what I want.”

“Knowing how to get it can be tricky”

School Leaver Employment Supports is an early intervention approach for Year 12 school leavers on NDIS to support their transition from school to employment.

These supports are designed to build an NDIS participant’s capacity to meet the access criteria and transition to a Disability Employment Services Provider (DES).

Through our Tomorrow Me SLES Program, we help young people to prepare, look for and gain employment. We provide meaningful, personalised, individualised capacity building activities so young people can achieve their employment goals.

Tomorrow Me starts with you choosing the help you need from our menu of supports:

  • Pathfinder – career exploration that makes finding your future FUN!
  • Mentoring to help you find and keep a job
  • Get Moving – start with your L’s, achieve your P’s
  • Drive Me – Driving Experience Hours Mentoring, Safe Driver Workshop
  • Skills Development & Work Experience

Typically, Tomorrow Me is delivered over 48 weeks in a 1 year period or 96 weeks in a 2 year period

Delivery Location and Methodology

Delivery may include a combination of:

  • Face2Face, Group Environment, Social Group and/or One2One
  • Face2Face, Individualised & Personalised Service
  • and/or Via Zoom/TEAMS Online

at Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide, Murray Bridge and/or other locations.

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building – 0102 – School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

The cost of the Tomorrow Me Tailored Package is $474.78 per week.

1 year service (48 weeks) – $22,789

2 year service (96 weeks) – $45,578

Download the Tomorrow Me Flyer



Youth Options thanks Bunnings for their generous support for providing Youth Options’s headquarters with a Power Pass, trade level prices, discounts and building materials for our Rule The Tools, FHAT Designs and Youth Space Workshops.


Motor Trade Association of SA/NT (MTA SA & NT)

MTA SA/NT provide automotive industry tailored Workplace Relations training and support. They are also the peak South Australian automotive apprentice employment and training body for the motor trade industry. The MTA employs apprentices in a number of automotive trades in South Australia and also deliver accredited and non-accredited upskilling training and non-accredited Industrial Relations training for the automotive industry in South Australia.

The MTA has supported Youth Options by donating an Apprentices Toolbox valued at over $1200 and also donated 6 Briggs and Stratton Small Engines for our participants to learn on. They also make their staff available to talk to our participants about automotive career pathways.

Thank you to the MTA and especially Jason Polgreen – General Manager Apprentice Employment Services for their support.

To enquire about MTA apprenticeships and training call 8241 0522 or email


Adelaide Christian Centre

A city-based pentecostal church which offers a wide range of facilities and rooms to hire out.

Youth Options has entered a MOU (Memo Of Understanding) which provides us with access to their training rooms, meaning that we are now better equipped at supporting skilled migrants with career development workshops.


08 8212 2322



Sharing the Youth Options’ headquarters, Matchworks is a community based and not-for-profit business. It’s all about creating long lasting connections. That’s why it’s one of Australia’s biggest services. They know exactly what job seekers need to take to the next level and what employers want in their people, but most importantly they bring the two together.

For enquiries, contact:
Shannon Easter


0477 010 412


Chris Seglins (Admin & Marketing Officer)

Commencing at Employment Options in early 2019 as a volunteer, Chris demonstrated a high level of skills and variety of Graphic Design abilities, which has assisted Employment Options greatly. Chris’s many talents have included re-designing multiple Flyers for EO’s Courses and promotional material.

Since being employed at Employment Options, Chris shares his time between being a cheerful and helpful face at our reception area whilst also continuing to grow his editing abilities. Chris has been involved in editing 360 VR videos for the ‘Drive Me’ program and being tasked with editing Employment Options’ website categories.


Fiona Harley (Human Resources Administration)

Fiona has been at Employment Options for nearly 8 years and divides her time between roles which include tasks in Human Resources, Workplace Health and Safety and forms part of the integral admin team that keeps things ticking away seamlessly in the background. Her strength of character is having a friendly and engaging nature when interacting with people.

Lauren Upham (Youth Space Assistant Administration Officer)

Since joining Youth Options in August 2019 as a volunteer administration officer, Lauren has proved her ability to complete administration tasks with a smile. Now working upstairs in the Youth Space, Lauren provides administration support to the Youth Services Manager and Youth Co-ordinator.

Smiler Te Ao (Volunteer Workshop Facilitator)

Smiler served 5 years as an apprentice carpenter joiner in New Zealand. He arrived in Australlia in 1969 in Manly NSW, starting work at Sydney’s Brookvale Joinery. Smiler then left the Joinery for Domestic/Commercial Work Houses, specializing in Shop Fitouts, Commercial Fitouts Trades, being a supervisor, building inspecting, trainer. Working all around Australia, Smiler has also helped out with mining & engineering projects. He retired from the Training Industry in 2014, working as a safety trainer (with a white card clearance).

Smiler then began volunteering with the National Railway Museum at Port Adelaide as a Carpenter. Whilst there, he heard about the Youth Space service at Port Adelaide and answered an add for an LLN Teacher (Language, Literacy & Numeracy). He then began his mentoring skills for Youth Space’s F.L.O. program gig. Smiler has been with Youth Options ever since.

Lenet Mbatia (Case Manager)

Lenet is a FLO Case Manager in our Youth Space program. Lenet has completed a Master of Social Work and Master of Health and International Development from University of South Australia and Flinders University respectively. In addition to this, she has over 3 years working experience in the medical field in her beloved home country, Kenya. Lenet’s true passion has always been working with young people and assisting them in realising their true potential. Lenet believes in the importance of having alternate pathways in education or learning for all young people especially those who are facing multiple or complex barriers in their lives. She employs a holistic systems approach to helping young people to achieve success.

Nate Overbeeke (NDIS Manager)

Nate leads the effective achievement and growth of sustainable Youth Options NDIS Services and is responsible for both overseeing quality delivery of Youth Options’ NDIS Services as well as maintaining strategic relationships with external stakeholders. He uses his understanding of shared value models of partnership and ability to drive high value brand aligned opportunities to ensure the ongoing success of our NDIS services.

Joshua Boyce (Manager – Education and Wellbeing Services)

Joshua comes to Youth Options with two decades of experiencing in working with young people across a range of settings. He is a qualified high school educational specialist, a registered teacher, and has additional significant experience and qualifications in business management, not-for-profit governance, and pastoral care.

Joshua believes that every young person deserves the opportunity to discover their passions, to engage in learning opportunities that are meaningful, to try new things, and to be encouraged to develop in their character and mastery over self. Youth Options is a wonderful avenue for young people to know that they are important, they are loved, and they have their own mark to make upon the world. It is Joshua’s privilege to lead the team entrusted to carry out this work.

Outside of his work life, Joshua is a keen home cook; a lover of travel, nature, and the outdoors; a musician and a marriage celebrant; and proud dog-dad. Living in the hills, Joshua is heavily involved with the Country Fire Service (CFS) – with responsibilities covering Fleet Maintenance and Management for the local area, cadet program coordination, training coordination, along with his duties as Senior Firefighter.

Rick Henke (Operations Manager)

Rick is our ‘Action Man’ because he gets things done! No task is too small or too big for Rick and he has a knack for finding a way to get it done. Rick manages our finance systems, supervises our Internship Students and oversees our Volunteers. Rick has developed our Drive Me program with a passion for helping young people get their P’s.

Rick is an experienced operations manager who joined Youth Options in June 2019 after 12 years’ service with the City of Salisbury. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, Diploma in Youth Work and Certificate of Business.

Rick is an active member and past President of the Rotary Club of Salisbury and a Justice of the Peace in SA. In addition, Rick has led us into the digital space with a major IT transformation.

Michelle Braham (Chief Executive Officer)

“We help people grow, feel good about themselves and hopeful for the future”

Michelle is passionate about helping people achieve their employment, education or training goals to navigate a secure future. Michelle is knowledgeable within the NFP operating environment and challenges faced by disadvantage people in the community.

Michelle joined Youth Options’ Human Resources team in 2007. Her versatility, leadership and innovation was recognised through multiple promotions, including the General Manager – Operations and Career Services in 2017. Her qualifications include Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Diploma of Human Resources, Diploma of Management and Certificate in Public Sector Management.

Michelle is an innovative and future oriented CEO regularly exploring promising practice and opportunities to provide responsive services. Michelle commenced her journey as CEO in August 2017 and has been the catalyst for major improvements in Youth Options including consolidating three locations into one Adelaide CBD location, our Sturt Street Youth Hub.

Michelle has a broad range of skills and experience in management, governance, human resources and in the establishment of services for young people and those seeking career assistance. Michelle is a professional member and sits on the National Executive Committee of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA). Prior to joining Youth Options, Michelle was employed by the Northern Territory Government.