Raising the Game: Quality Assurance for Gaming

Raising the Game is a program that offers a Quality Assurance (QA) service for game studios, while also providing training, jobs, and work experience opportunities for young people.

QA is a vital part of the game development process, as it ensures that the games are free of errors, bugs, and glitches, and that they meet the expectations of the players and the clients.

The program also aims to further develop a social enterprise that will employ neuro-diverse young people as QA testers and trainers, and deliver QA services for external game studios. This will create a sustainable and inclusive model that will benefit both the game studios and the young people, as well as the wider gaming community.

Raising the Game is a comprehensive program that will enhance technical, employability, and social skills, and offer invaluable support for skill development.
Each of the six micro-credentials has been registered with the SA Skills Commission which provides businesses and individuals with confidence that the course can deliver the contemporary skills required by industry.
South Australian Skills Commission Endorsement is determined based on the course’s alignment with the following five principles:

  1. An industry-recognised skills gap that cannot be met through current nationally accredited training systems.
  2. Certification of a person’s learning outcomes, including skills and competencies that reflect elements of licensing and other regulatory requirements (local, national and international) or contemporary industry practices.
  3. Assessment of learning outcomes include core transferable skills and core job-specific skills required for job roles as identified by industry.
  4. Supports people to adapt to changing job roles and workplaces, and/or to transition to a new industry.
  5. Supports pathways between the school, vocational education and higher education sectors, and can provide a pathway to accredited courses.

The QA for Gaming program is supported by the JFM Fund, and is led by Youth Options, a charity that works with young people and collaborates with partners from the gaming industry, education sector, and government agencies.

The development of the program has also in the past received financial support from the Government of South Australia and the Rotary Club of Adelaide.

Learning Courses – Level One – Entry Level

Game Play Tester Game Bug Tester

Each of the micro credentials are delivered in person at our Sturt Street studio and runs for 4 weeks each (8 weeks for Level One). Each week there are two x three hour sessions which participants must attend. (24 hours for each micro credential). Follow up work is required in your own time.

The course cost is $900 per micro-credential ($1800.00 for Level 1)
Additionally, participants will need to have their own PC gaming headset (Loan headsets available short term).

Payment can come from NDIS plan, payment up front or a an payment plan with parents or guardians or in some cases a school may co-fund participation.

Click for More Info + Enrollment

Learning Courses – Level Two (Level One must have been completed)

Game Test Plan Writer Game Test Case Writer Lead Game Play Tester

Enrolment at this level is by offer on completion of Level 1

The course cost is $900 per micro-credential ($2700.00 for Level 2)
Additionally, participants will need to have their own PC gaming headset (Loan headsets available short term).

Payment can come from NDIS plan, payment up front or a payment plan with parents or guardians or in some cases a school may co-fund participation.

In some cases, for high achieving students at Level 1 who do not have financial means, Youth Options may collaborate with the student to seek scholarship support.

Completion of this level entitles participants to be considered for employment vacancies within the Raising the Game Social Enterprise.

Learning Courses – Level Three – (Level Two must have been completed)

Freelance Games Tester

Level 3 is designed for those participants looking to contract to the game development industry as independent game tester contractors.

The course cost is $900 per micro-credential ($900.00 for Level 3)
Additionally, participants will need to have their own PC gaming headset (Loan headsets available short term).

Payment can come from NDIS plan, payment up front or a payment plan with parents or guardians or in some cases a school may co-fund participation.

Rasing the Game Social Enterprise (Employment)

Social Enterprise - Employment

Participants in the social enterprise become casual employees of Youth Options and continue their learning whilst being paid and completing paid work assignments from the industry.

By invitation when vacancies allow.


SA Skills Commission Register of Endorsed Micro-Credentials