NDIS Adelaide


Youth Options is a Registered NDIS Provider. The NDIS is a national approach to supporting people living with disability to maximise their potential and participate as equal citizens in Australian society. The NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people living with disability early to improve their outcomes in life. For more than 30 years, Youth Options has empowered marginalised young people in South Australia to transform their lives and lead a life of purpose. 

In our NDIS Mentoring Services, we acknowledge young people living with disability have talents, skills, interests, and/or passions and our NDIS Mentors work with NDIS Participants to strengthen and grow these capabilities. In addition to participating in their chosen area of talent, skill, interest and/or passion, our NDIS Participants and their NDIS Mentor explore and engage in strengthening independent living skills, communication skills, social skills, employability skills and more. We align our Mentoring Services and activities to the NDIS Participant’s Goals and NDIS Plan. Wherever possible, we are flexible and agile in what we can deliver, tailor, and provide to our NDIS Participants.  

Our NDIS Mentoring Services can be funded from Core Supports and/or Capacity Building Supports in their NDIS Plan. We talk this through with the NDIS Participant and their support crew to ensure choice and control.   

Our Social Groups and Group Environments aim to closely mirror the structure of many workplaces and community environments we are preparing our NDIS Clients to enter, participate in and achieve fulfilment in.  

Ultimately, by participating in our services, we want our young NDIS Participants to transform their lives by developing the confidence and skills to learn, earn and live.