Job Interview Skills

We know that going to interviews can be a difficult and intimidating situation. But worry know more, because we are here to help improve your interview skills and feel confident about the situation.

We offer a 45 minute trial interview in a real-world environment. The interview isn’t real, but it comes with real feedback, identifying ways you can improve from a supportive and experienced interviewer. Sourced from real job ads, you get to choose from 7 ‘Sample Jobs’ you can to practice for.

1. Trades Assistant

2. Landscaper

3. Kitchen Hand

4. Admin Assistant

5. Retail Assistant

6. Sales Assistant

7. Food Production Worker

You will undertake a self-assessment to identify where you think you need the most help and practice. Lodge an expression of interest with us and we will contact you or your case manager/DES provider to book you in!

Call 8388 6600 or email to register your interest.

More confidence, more communication skills, more independence.

Learn the Tools of Trades

Rule the Tools is a program to help participants learn about and familiarise themselves with common tools used in trade-base apprenticeships and traineeships, but also for Trade Assistant and Labouring Jobs. Activities can include group and individual work. Activities will include watching demonstrations on the safe and effective use of tools as well as using those tools themselves.

They will work on a small project that will put what they have learnt into practice. Participants will learn to apply instructions and techniques in the use of tools to undertake a task. They will learn trade specific terminology and language and use oral communication to describe their projects and tasks. Participants will learn to work in a team environment and share tools and resources, including clean-up and pack-up. Activities will include measuring distances and volumes. 

Speak to your jobactive, transiton to work or DES provider TODAY.

or Call Youth Options on 08 8388 6600

Download The Rule The Tools Flyer

Find Your Career Path

Pathfinder – Game Your Career

Work, careers, money. It can be difficult to know where to start. Understanding your strengths and what’s out there can assist you get the life you want. Pathfinder is a career exploration program that uses virtual and real world activities to help you plan to get ahead. In the Pathfinder Program you will gain confidence and get started on the life you want.

Take part in virtual and real-world activities to increase your motivation and develop employability skills to build confidence and ability to enter the workforce. It’s not just about any job – being able to choose jobs that are a good fit for you, will help get and keep the right one.

Pathfinder is focused on the first step in the Choose-Get-Keep model – identifying an occupational goal which is achievable, realistic in the current labour market and match to values, interests and aptitudes. Pathfinder is aligned to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development and uses Gamification principles to engage users. 

Download the Brochure

Help to Get and Keep a Job

On The Job

On The Job support is designed to enable NDIS participants to successfully obtain and/or retain employment.

Individual support from a mentor who guides and helps the journey to work!

Informational interviews with employers.

Work Experience and volunteering to get on the job experience.

Help with looking for a job, job applications and interview skills.

Delivery Location and Methodology

Face2Face, Group Environment at Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide and/or other Locations

and/or Via Zoom/TEAMS Online

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building – 0102 – Finding and keeping a job

Core – 0125


Explore Self-Employment


BizAbility – Think Ability, Then Design Your Business

BizAbility assists people living with disability explore entrepreneurship as a pathway to achieving self-employment using human centred design (HCD) methodology. You will identify an idea for self-employment matched to your abilities and circumstances, test assumptions and create an action plan to achieve self-employment using the 5 core modules of Design Thinking: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

Throughout the program, you will have access to a mentor for individual support and assistance. You will also become part of a community where you can share your experience with others and hear from entrepreneurs with lived disability and business experience.

We see successful participants leave the program with a stronger purpose, awareness of opportunities and increased motivation to achieve self-employment.

Outcomes include:

  • Increased understanding of self-employment and skills needed
  • Raised confidence to start their self-employment journey

Available to NDIS Participants:

  • 17 to 65 years old
  • Want to explore self-employment/business
  • 12 months of learning & mentoring
  • Approx. 12 weeks (3 hours per week) exploring & learning
  • Approx. 40 weeks (3 hours per week) business mentoring
  • Approx. Cost is $10,920

Please contact the BizAbility Team:

Nate Overbeeke on 08 8388 6600

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building:

– Increased Social and Community Participation – Innovative Community Participation

– Development of daily living and life skills (in some circumstances)


– Access to community, social and rec activities (in some circumstances)

Download the BizAbility Flyer

Year 12 School Leaver


Tomorrow Me – School Leaver Employment Supports

“Work, career, independence and choice. It’s what I want.”

“Knowing how to get it can be tricky”

School Leaver Employment Supports is an early intervention approach for Year 12 school leavers on NDIS to support their transition from school to employment.

These supports are designed to build an NDIS participant’s capacity to meet the access criteria and transition to a Disability Employment Services Provider (DES).

Through our Tomorrow Me SLES Program, we help young people to prepare, look for and gain employment. We provide meaningful, personalised, individualised capacity building activities so young people can achieve their employment goals.

Tomorrow Me starts with you choosing the help you need from our menu of supports:

  • Pathfinder – career exploration that makes finding your future FUN!
  • Mentoring to help you find and keep a job
  • Get Moving – start with your L’s, achieve your P’s
  • Drive Me – Driving Experience Hours Mentoring, Safe Driver Workshop
  • Skills Development & Work Experience

Typically, Tomorrow Me is delivered over 48 weeks in a 1 year period or 96 weeks in a 2 year period

Delivery Location and Methodology

Delivery may include a combination of:

  • Face2Face, Group Environment, Social Group and/or One2One
  • Face2Face, Individualised & Personalised Service
  • and/or Via Zoom/TEAMS Online

at Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide, Murray Bridge and/or other locations.

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building – 0102 – School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

The cost of the Tomorrow Me Tailored Package is $474.78 per week.

1 year service (48 weeks) – $22,789

2 year service (96 weeks) – $45,578

Download the Tomorrow Me Flyer