Nick Webb-Myers (Makerspace Facilitator)

Nick is our YO Makerspace Facilitator, he has a CERT IV in Youth Work and a CERT III in Community Services.

After spending a couple of years as a Disability support Worker, Nick returned to study, at TAFESA, to improve his knowledge and hone his skills. Nick’s real life, lived experiences place him in a common ground position, for building rapport with at risk young people. This combined with a passion for seeing young people succeed , make him a fantastic mentor in our YO Makerspace.

Anna Bou (Admin Assistant)

Anna is an Admin Assistant at Youth Options. She is also doing a Cert 4 in Business Admin. As and Admin Assistant her role is to give administrative support to management, employees and clients.
Anna graduated with a Bachelor of Communication Design in 2022. Once she graduated, she began at Youth Options on a traineeship a few months later.

Chad van Heerden (Driving Mentor)

Chad is a Driving mentor part of our Drive me program at Youth Options. As a mentor, his main role is to provide support and encouragement for young people completing their learner hours. Helping young people to achieve their goal of getting their license, assisting them to overcome any barriers leading up to gaining their driving independence.
Chad is currently completing his Diploma of Social Science and has completed his qualification in Child, Youth and Family intervention. While studying Chad works as a youth programs coordinator and a Therapeutic youth worker with young people that have experienced trauma and neglect. Chad has been a case manager working with young people transitioning to the workforce with barriers such as homelessness, incarceration and mental health issues.

Chad Staunton (Barista Mentor)

Chad is Barista Mentor at the Youth Options site on Sturt street, Adelaide. As a Barista Mentor, his main role is to support participants in developing skills in all areas of cafe work and coffee knowledge. Chad has a number of years working with young people and enjoys combining his love of coffee and youth work.
Chad graduated with a Bachelor of Social Science (Youth Work) in 2011. Upon graduating, Chad spent many years working in cafes throughout the United Kingdom and Canada. He has has travelled extensively throughout Central and South America, visiting coffee farms, attending expos and national competitions. Upon returning home to Adelaide, Chad has been working part-time in cafe’s whilst completing his Bachelor of Psychological Studies in 2022.

Paula Clarke (Driving Mentor)

Paula is a Driving Mentor at Youth Options and works in the Drive Me Program. As a qualified Motor Driving Instructor her main role is to support young people through their driving journey. This can be by providing initial lessons, manoeuvring practice or VORT preparation. Throughout their driving she assists them to overcome nerves and become Safe competent drivers.
Paula has over 30 years of Driving Instructor experience including training in trucks, emergency vehicles and motorcycles. She is passionate about all thing’s road safety.

Jessica Joute (Case Manager)

Jessica Joute is a FLO Case Manager at Youth Space. Jessica has completed a Master of Social Work and Master of International Community Development from University of South Australia and Victoria University. Jessica is very passionate about empowering others and providing support to those in need. Jessica uses her expertise in social work and community development to create customised plans for each individual based on their unique circumstances and needs. Prior to her work at Youth Space, Jessica worked as a technician at Apple where she gained valuable experience in customer service, communication and problem-solving. This has taught her how to effectively communicate with people of all ages and backgrounds which has proven invaluable in her work as a case manager.

Upcycle Program Story

The Upcycle program is a Local Jobs Program (LJP) initiative that has provided Jobseekers with the opportunity to develop employability skills and undertake training within the hospitality, retail and related industries that will help people to gain employment or move onto further study.

Participants attained experience and skills by developing a Coffee shop / Micro Cafe at The Brinkley reuse Centre at Murray Bridge. They turned unwanted and recycled materials into usable and reused items, such as serving counters, walling materials and seating arrangements etc. The was turned into an amazing interactive space that can be used for a training and tranquil sitting place for customers, staff and trainees.

Outcomes included jobs, first aid cert, RSA, career development and getting their L’s.

Photos of the Graduation and the Cafe are available on Facebook.


Congratulations to ALL the Participants! A BIG thank you to our partners and supporters including Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Rural City of Murray Bridge and the Recycle centre crew.

HOSPO Case Study

Youth Options Hospo Prepped Program commenced in the first half of 2022 after the State Government of South Australia identified the Hospitality Industry had a desperate need for skilled workers, particularly after Covid had hit the industry hard over the previous 2 years.

Youth Options, in partnership with Registered Training Organisation Adelaide Institute of Hospitality, have created a 4-week Hospitality Program designed to provided Young People aged between 18 and 25 with the necessary skills and knowledge to be ready to commence working in the Hospitality Industry upon completion.

Hospo Prepped consists of 9 accredited Cert II and Cert III level Hospitality units, delivered by the RTO, covering both Front of House and Back of House areas of the industry. These units include Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA), Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee, and Preparing Dishes Using Basic Methods of Cookery.


Youth Options also delivers our Pathfinder Career Development Program during Hospo Prepped, which gives Young People the tools they need to identify their own individual goals and career paths. Pathfinder also incorporates Industry Tours, where each cohort of Young People get to experience the day to day workings of various different Hospitality businesses around Adelaide.


Hospitality is an ideal industry for Young People to commence work in, be it part time whilst they work towards other goals or undertake further studies, or as a long-term career.
