Privacy Policy

Protecting Your Privacy

Youth Options Inc is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This policy sets out the way we handle your personal information including the use and disclosure of your personal information, as well as your right to access your personal information.

This policy only applies to our databases and files and does not cover any State, Territory or Commonwealth Government database or file. You are advised to contact the relevant government agency for a copy of their privacy policy.

Your Personal Information

In order to provide you youth, career development, training and related services, we may need to collect personal information such as name, address, date of birth, email address, telephone numbers, work history, education history, qualifications, employment status, career details or other information generally contained in a resume. Some programs also require criminal history checks.

Youth, career development, training and related services includes training and skills development programs, mentoring and individual support, career development activities such as career investigation and action planning, aptitude testing for some types of employment, referral to other support services, referral to education or training programs, and assistance to access education or employment.


Where practicable, Youth Options Inc will endeavour to collect personal information directly from you. We will need to collect personal information from you such as your name, your address, your date of birth, your qualifications, your skills, your previous employment history, your education details, and details of drivers’ and other licences you hold in order to provide you with employment and associated services.

As a contracted service provider to the Australian Government and SA State Government, we may also collect personal information about you from their departments and agencies.

To provide you with youth, career development, training and related services we may also collect personal information from other third parties such as any referees nominated by you, educational institutions, other service providers, and enforcement authorities.

At the time that, or as soon as practicable after, Youth Options Inc collects your personal information we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of:

Youth Options Inc’s identity and how you can contact us;

  • your rights with regard to accessing your personal information;
  • the purpose for which your personal information was collected;
  • to whom we usually disclose your personal information;
  • any law that requires us to collect particular personal information; and
  • the main consequences, if any, for you if you do not provide all or part of the information we require.

Youth Options Inc will only collect personal information by fair and lawful means and not in an unreasonably intrusive manner.

Use and Disclosure

We will use our best efforts to ensure that the information you provide to us remains private and is used only for the purposes you agree to.

Youth Options Inc will not reveal, disclose, sell, distribute, rent, license, share or pass your personal information on to a third party, other than those that we have an agreement with ensuring that the third party affords your personal information similar levels of protection as we do.

In order to provide you with youth, career development, training and related services, we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties such as potential employers, other service providers, and providers of work experience placements.

Further, we may use and disclose your personal information to provide you with youth, career development, training and related services specified to you at the point of collection or for another purpose if:

  • you would reasonably expect us to disclose it for that purpose;
  • that purpose is related to the purpose specified to you at the time of collection.
  • Youth Options Inc reasonably believes that the use is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious and imminent threat to an individual’s life or health;
  • Youth Options Inc has reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, or is being engaged in, and uses the information as part of its investigation, or in reporting its concerns to the relevant authority;
  • the use and disclosure is specifically authorised by law; or
  • the use and disclosure is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law, a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of the public revenue.

Youth Options Inc does not use or disclose your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing unrelated products or services.

Data Quality

Youth Options Inc will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You are encouraged to help us keep your personal information accurate, complete and up-to-date by contacting your consultant or this organisation and informing us of any changes to your details. You can contact us on (08) 8388 6600 on any business day.

Data Security

At Youth Options Inc we are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We ensure this by having such security measures as:

  • Individual password access to systems and databases
  • Secure file cabinets
  • Building security systems

We will also take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer required for any purpose.

The Internet and Your Privacy

Youth Options Inc uses the Internet in order to provide youth, career development, training and related services. The following statement outlines how in the context of our web site your information is protected and recorded. By using the site you consent to the uses and disclosures outlined previously in this privacy policy.

The Internet and Your Privacy

Youth Options Inc takes reasonable steps to protect your security when using our site but you should be aware that no transmission of information to and from a website is ever totally secure.

While we will strive to ensure the personal information transmitted to or from our website is secure and protected from unauthorised access, we cannot fully guarantee the security of your information. Transmission is at your own risk.

Youth Options Inc uses a range of security measures, including password access to some services available on the Youth Options Inc website.

Links to Other Sites

Our web site contains links to other sites, which are not subject to our privacy standards, policies and procedures. You will need to review those web sites directly to ascertain their privacy policies and practices.


Youth Options Inc’s website uses cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that a website can transfer to an individual’s computer for record keeping. Cookies can make using our website easier to navigate by storing your individual preferences. This will enable you to take full advantage of the services that our website offers. The use of cookies is a widely used industry standard and you’ll find most major websites use them.

You can configure your hard-drive to not accept cookies; however you may lose some functionality.

Access and Correction

You will be provided with the opportunity to access the personal information we hold on you and where appropriate, you may be able to correct that information if it is deemed to be incorrect.

You may be required to fill out a form in order to obtain access to your personal information. This form can be obtained from any staff member.

There may be some cases where we are unable to provide you access to your personal information; however Youth Options Inc will explain the reasons why this access was denied.


Youth Options Inc will not adopt as its own identifier an identifier that has been assigned by a government agency.

Where practicable Youth Options Inc will not use or disclose an identifier assigned to an individual by a government agency.


Whenever it is lawful or practicable, you will have the option of not identifying yourself when dealing with Youth Options Inc

Due to the nature of the services being provided to you this will be in very limited cases.

Sensitive Information

Youth Options Inc will not collect personal information revealing your racial or ethnical origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual activity or orientation unless:

  • your consent has been obtained; or
  • the collection is required or specifically authorised by law; or
  • the collection is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any individual, where the subject of the information is physically or legally incapable of giving consent; or
  • the collection is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim.

Resolving Privacy Concerns

You are able to raise any concerns you may have regarding our personal information handling practices by either discussing your concerns with your personal consultant or by calling Youth Options Inc on (08) 8398 2355 on business days. Your complaint will be managed and resolved through our Customer Complaints policy and procedures.

Complaints about our management of your personal information may also be made to the Australian Information Commissioner by following the procedures at:

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy policy, or about the way we manage your personal information:

You can write to us at Youth Options Inc – 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

You can phone our offices on 08 8388 6600

You can email us at

Terms & Conditions

Website Terms and Conditions

Youth Options is committed to protecting the privacy of certain information of visitors to our website.

Information Collected

Youth Options web server automatically collects:

  • A visitor’s domain name. It generally does not recognise a visitor’s e-mail address.
  • A record as to what web pages a visitor visits and analytics data.
  • Information submitted by a visitor (such as enquiry information, registration for a program and/or website purchase).

Purpose of collection of information

The information Youth Options collects from its visitors is used to improve the content of Youth Options website.

If a visitor provides Youth Options with their email address, the email address may be used to mail visitors information on new products and services or upcoming events. If a visitor does not wish to receive such an email, the visitor should let Youth Options know via email or telephone.

If a visitor provides Youth Options with their telephone number, the telephone number may be used to call visitors to advise them of new products and services or upcoming events. If a visitor does not wish to receive such telephone calls, the visitor should let Youth Options know via email or telephone.

If a visitor does not wish for their information to be used, the visitor should let Youth Options know via email or telephone.

The information Youth Options collects from visitors will not be disclosed to other organisations for commercial purposes.

Relevant Legislation and Policy

Personal information of visitors is dealt with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and Youth Options’ Privacy Policy. The rights of visitors to access personal information are set out in Youth Options’ Privacy Policy.

Change in Policy

From time to time, Youth Options may change the purpose of collection of information (see the section above regarding ‘Purpose of collection of information’). If Youth Options’ policy changes, information collected prior to the policy change will not be subject to the policy change.

Policy Coverage

This Policy covers the Youth Options website at It does not cover links from this website.


All of the information enclosed on this website is accurate at the time of publishing, but may, at any time, be altered. The information published on this website is intended to provide general information in summary form. Users should make their own judgements and/or seek independent advice when evaluating the accuracy and usefulness of the information provided on this website. You assume all risks associated with the use of the website including risk of computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which may be transmitted via the website or your access to it and the risk that the content of this website complies with laws of any country outside Australia. Youth Options reserves the right to revise the information and data on this website without notice.


The material on this website is protected by copyright. You may download, print and display material from this site only for your personal and non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices.

Success For A Working Future Through COVID19

I heard a shocking stat this week that has been on my mind. Did you know at the end of March the number of people receiving jobseeker type income support in South Australia was 78,000? That is a lot of families and people affected. But what has really impacted me was at the end of May 2020 this number had grown to over 126,000. That is over 70% increase in 3 months!

We know that this is because of COVID19 and the Prime Minister’s announcement that the JobKeeper subsidy will end in September will have further impact with the number of unemployed people increasing again. It has been described as the second cliff. I can understand why the government can’t continue with this level of financial support but still it has me worried about the sheer number of people who will be affected.


As an organisation that believes “everyone deserves a working future” it does feel like we have to do something to help people to transition to a new career and/or job.

Career guidance is an effective strategy that we can use at this time and make it available to people who may not normally receive this kind of support. A meta-analysis of research to the effectiveness of career development services by ACCELL* has shown that people who are given individual career development support are 2.67 times more likely to secure a job. ACCELL’s analysis is a summary of 47 independent research summaries which included 9575 individual participants, so it is valid.

ACCELL also found that “encouraging proactivity” increases successful employment by 5.88 times. Given that the labour market will be highly competitive, I believe proactivity will be a critical factor for jobseekers. Why you may ask. According to Wikipedia (all truthful source), proactivity describes a person who is taking responsibility for his or her life, rather than looking for causes in outside circumstances or other people.

As the labour market changes and adapts post COVID19, it is essential that jobseekers have the skills and confidence to shift with it. This will include being able to translate transferable skills to a range of industries and be able to tell an employer how they align. If you are feeling unconfident and stressed about money, this is not an easy task.

At Employment Options we are revising our career development support to meet this demand. Over the next few weeks we will offer individual career counselling and group workshops at very affordable rates.

Our career practitioners are experts in job search interventions that target behaviour like proactivity that result in getting a job. Please get in touch if this sounds like the help you need.


* Australian Collaboratory for Career Employment & Learning for Living


At first, I thought it would be over quickly and we would all get back to normal. As time goes on though it feels hard – hard to keep trying and turn up every day. I have had a few moments when I have felt I let myself down by not being the best version of myself. The negative thoughts flowed freely!

I am generally a optimistic and positive person except for when I am worried. It is at these times I can be judgmental, critical, controlling, indecisive and most definitely not the best version of myself. All the things I dislike in others.

Luckily for those close to me at work I had a week’s annual leave planned. Last Friday it seemed an inconvenience although I knew deep down that I desperately needed a break. For me, this week of self-isolation has been a blessing even though it is only day 4.

I decided – yes made a conscious decision – that I wanted to do something creative to learn new skills and find joy in being me.

My first project was to cook something new every day that I wanted to eat without having to cater for my family tastes. Completely selfish! So far, I have made fish and chips with no other vegetables on the plate, banana pancakes to remind me of Bali, mushroom soup just because I love mushrooms and today, I am planning a cake to use up the plums we have grown.

My second project was to make my mum a  crochet rug. She lives alone and is self-isolating due to her age and heightened COVID19 risk. She has been unable to do the things she normally does to fill her days. She isn’t close by so we can only catch up remotely. She told me recently that she rings a friend every day to see how they are. My mum has always cared for others and its her way of pro-actively doing that. Why a rug? It’s to put over her knees and give her comfort – perhaps caring for others is a genetic trait we share.

This brings me to the RIBBIT, RIBBIT, RIBBIT. My rug isn’t perfect, the sides are crooked, it’s not big enough, the stitches aren’t even and I have run out of wool. I sent a photo to my friend and colleague Jo and explained that whilst I was enjoying the process, I was wondering if I should give up. Jo is a maker at heart and gave me this wonderful advice. “Just frog what you have done to make it wider. This is your practice swatch….. I make and frog lots! It sounds like RIBBIT, RIBBIT, RIBBIT”.

How often do we forget when we haven’t done something before that it won’t be perfect? Projects like a rug are easy to stop and put aside but there are other things in our lives that we stop when we shouldn’t because it gets hard. Employment Options believes everyone deserves a working future and we often tell young people who are trying to get a job to “persevere by keeping on trying and don’t worry about being perfect”. As adults though I think we sometimes forget to follow this advice.

Like me not being by best self as I deal with COVID19 and the impact on our organisation. I just need to RIBBIT, RIBBIT RIBBIT – in other words – keep on trying. Dealing with COVID19 is a new skill we are all acquiring.

Which leads me to my third project. Write a blog! I have been wanting to do this for ages as I like writing although in my day to day I only ever write for business. Its unemotional writing. Thinking about writing for pleasure has seemed like just another chore. Having finally written my first blog, it’s been pleasurable. Like my rug, my blog isn’t perfect, but I have done it. RIBBIT, RIBBIT, RIBBIT.

Its day four of my break and I can feel the tension easing and my creativity kicking in. I’m even feeling excited about a tender that I have been putting off for weeks. I’ve learnt that being creative is good for my spirit and that I don’t have to execute everything perfectly. It feels good!

And now I am wondering about sharing my blog as it is too long, overly personal and not perfect. Who wants to read about my experience, but I am going to be brave and share it! Maybe it will inspire others to be try something new and just RIBBIT, RIBBIT and keep on RIBBITING!

NDIS Registered and Ready!

We achieved NDIS registration in March 2019 and are now able to help people living with a disability gain meaningful employment and participate in the community. Our service area ranges from the Adelaide Hills, Murray Bridge and our Sturt Street Youth Hub. We offer an individual and tailored service to meet the needs of each client.

This year we met “Jeff” who was struggling with relationships at work and was at risk of losing his job. We coached Jeff over the year to help learn new skills and understand workplace norms. We also helped Jeff’s employer understand why he was behaving the way he was and how they could better support him to be engaged at work. As a result, Jeff has a new position within his workplace which is better suited to his interests and skills. Today he feels like a valuable team member and isn’t worried about losing his job. Our experience with Jeff and his workplace shows that great results can be achieved when we work collaboratively.

Learn more about our services

Pathfinder – Game Your Career

The Pathfinder Program is acknowledged by our partners and stakeholders as a valuable and impactful service for their job seekers or students because it develops motivation, raises aspirations, provides a structured format to explore career opportunities and develop an action plan.

School Testimonial:

“The Pathfinder Program has been very beneficial to students at Birdwood High School. The students enrolled in the course were the students who were typically a behavioural problem, disengaged with school and not intending to get their SACE. They were the students who wanted to leave school and get a job, or students that were struggling with their learning and self-confidence. When the students began the pathfinder program, they were uncertain about their strengths, abilities and possible future jobs and careers. They lacked a sense of direction and purpose. After the course the home group teachers noted a difference in their behaviour and attitude to school. Course counselling and subject selection is normally a challenging time for home group teachers. Their comments to me were that the students who engaged in the Pathfinder program were very easy to work with. They engaged in the time made available for choosing subjects and this was a relatively easy task for them compared to students who had not done the course. The students continue to work on preparing themselves for the world of work by completing their resumes, asking for teachers to be referees and being proactive in finding out about and seeking employment and training”. – Assistant Principal, Birdwood High School

Student Testimonial:

“I feel like the Pathfinder program was very beneficial for me. It helped me understand what kind of career pathway to take and it defiantly broadened my mind to what I am capable of. I used to have the negative mindset that I couldn’t achieve big, but the pathfinder program changed my perception on things. I am really happy I decided to do the program, I believe I learned more in those 6 weeks than I did during actual school lessons.” – Shaya, Mt Barker High School

Career Advice to Career Success (Past Program)

Our Career Services had an impact on many people over 2018/2019. It’s a vital service given that most people will have five to seven career changes over their working life.

“Ian” was injured whilst serving in the Australian Defence Force. He came to us to undertake a comprehensive career transition program supported by the ADF. After translating his defence skills and competencies and researching the labour market, Ian realised he wanted to re-train as a bookkeeper. We also helped him improve his job search skills with outstanding results. Ian was offered two jobs in just one week and has subsequently secured ongoing employment and tells us he loves his new career!

It just goes to show that the research is right. People who access qualified career development support are twice as likely to find work than those that don’t.

Greenlight2Work – Regional Employment Trial (Past Program)

In April 2019, we commenced our Greenlight2Work program in the Murraylands to help address youth unemployment in the area with assistance to gain a learner’s permit to drive and career development support which includes knowledge about labour market opportunities in the region.

The program has had early success with participants like “Amy” who needed support to engage with the community, gain confidence, get her Learners permit and identify suitable career direction and opportunities. At first Amy was very shy. We gave her individual support until she was confident to engage with the small group. Once feeling more confident Amy joined the learner’s permit program and has since gained her learners permit. She was also given career development support where she was able to identify her strengths and passions. Amy now works at a local distribution centre and loves her job.


Our proudest moment for Amy was when she was able to help other participants learn their road rules towards the end of the program and stand up in front of the class to lead learning activities.

Read all about our programs and join one that fits you

Work With Us

Youth Options is a community-based charitable organisation which provides high quality services for over 30 years to people in our local communities, especially to young people, unemployed people, or those who are disadvantaged.

Youth Options is a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) and have Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR). Youth Options helps disadvantaged people to plan and achieve employment and education goals. We believe in a community where everyone can achieve their working future.

We help people grow, feel good about themselves and hopeful for the future. We achieve this with Integrity, Respect, Connectedness, Collaboration, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking.

Everyone Deserves A Working Future!
Do you agree with this?
If so, you might be just the sort of person we are looking for.

Youth Options Current Vacancies

Customer Complaints

We understand that occasionally issues may arise, and you may have a complaint. This document explains how we handle complaints and gives information about how you can make your complaint.

Youth Options is committed to its responsiveness to the needs and concerns of our service users. Any complaint, dispute, appeal or feedback received will be treated as an opportunity to gather essential information about issues affecting service users, stakeholders and other interested parties, and as an opportunity to improve our services.

Complaints can be made to Youth Options, or through other avenues such as the relevant Government Department, Ombudsman, or Commissioner. Some contact details are included in this document, and staff can help in locating contact details for other agencies.


How we Handle Complaints

Visibility and Access

Information about how and where to complain will be well publicised to all our service users, staff and stakeholders.

Our processes for making a complaint aim to be accessible to all, including people with specific needs (for example, for an interpreter)

Customer-Focused Approach

Youth Options acknowledges the right of service users and the public to complain when dissatisfied with a service, and encourages feedback from service users, staff and the public generally.

We expect our staff to be ‘complaints friendly’ and not defensive or negative about feedback and complaints. Complainants have the right to have support in making a complaint and the right to be protected from any form of retribution.


Complaints will be acknowledged and addressed promptly; complainants will be treated courteously and kept informed of the progress of their complaint through the complaints handling process. If a process may take more than 60 days, you will be notified in writing, and kept informed of progress.


Each complaint will be addressed in an equitable, objective and unbiased manner through the complaints handling process.


There will be no charge to complainants for making a complaint, nor for accessing the complaints handling process


Information about a complainant will be used only for addressing the complaint within Youth Options, and will be actively protected from disclosure, unless the complainant expressly consents to its disclosure.

Investigation of complaints

Every reasonable effort will be made to investigate all the relevant circumstances and information surrounding a complaint. Investigations will be conducted in a fair and objective manner and will ensure natural justice is observed wherever practicable.

Resolution of complaints

Following an appropriate investigation, Youth Options will offer a response, for example, to correct the problem and prevent it happening in the future. This will be communicated to the complainant as quickly as possible.

Complaints will be resolved with as little formality and dispute as possible, and the remedy sought by the complainant will always be considered as a first option.

Complainants will be provided with progress reports if quick resolution of their complaint is not possible.


Youth Options will ensure accountability by assigning responsibility for all aspects of complaints receipt and handling, and through the monitoring of complaint trends and outcomes by senior management.

Continual Improvement

Our complaints handling process is reviewed periodically to enhance effectiveness

What to do if you have a complaint

We encourage you to start by discussing your issue with the staff member who is assisting you, or with the staff member you have an issue with.

If you can’t, or don’t want to do that, you can ask to speak to:

The Operations Manager
The Program Manager of the program you have an issue with, or
You may also put your complaint in writing if you prefer and address it to any of these managers.

Your complaint, appeal or assessment review request will be recorded in our complaints and appeals register, and a senior staff member will work with you to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

Other Agencies

You may also take your complaint directly to another relevant agency, including:

For FLO Services :

Contact the enrolling school of the student,

Customer Feedback Unit
Phone: 1800 677 435


For National Disability Insurance Scheme:

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Website: NDIS Commission

Phone: 1800 035 544

Disability Advocacy – Find advocacy services near you

People with disability who need someone to speak up for them can use Ask Izzy to search for independent Disability Advocacy providers in their area. These services provide access to professionals who can ensure the choices and rights of people with disability are respected and they are being treated fairly.

Website: Ask Izzy

Department of Employment – RET

Website: Feedback and enquiries

Phone: 1300 488 064

Customer Complaints Form

Explore Your Career Pathway

Work, careers, money. It can be difficult to know where to start. Understanding your strengths and what’s out there can assist you get the life you want. Pathfinder is a career exploration program that uses virtual and real world activities to help you plan to get ahead. In the Pathfinder Program you will gain confidence and get started on the life you want.

Take part in virtual and real-world activities to increase your motivation and develop employability skills to build confidence and ability to enter the workforce. It’s not just about any job – being able to choose jobs that are a good fit for you, will help get and keep the right one.

Pathfinder is focused on the first step in the Choose-Get-Keep model – identifying an occupational goal which is achievable, realistic in the current labour market and match to values, interests and aptitudes. Pathfinder is aligned to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development and uses Gamification principles to engage users. 

Download the Brochure


Delivery Location and Methodology

Face2Face, Group Environment at Sturt Street Youth Hub, 40 Sturt Street, Adelaide and/or other Locations

and/or Via Zoom/TEAMS Online

Support Category/Registration Group

Capacity Building – 0102 – Finding and keeping a job

Or School Leaver Employment Options (TOMORROW ME)


Job Interview Skills

We know that going to interviews can be a difficult and intimidating situation. But worry know more, because we are here to help improve your interview skills and feel confident about the situation.

We offer a 45 minute trial interview in a real-world environment. The interview isn’t real, but it comes with real feedback, identifying ways you can improve from a supportive and experienced interviewer. Sourced from real job ads, you get to choose from 7 ‘Sample Jobs’ you can to practice for.

1. Trades Assistant

2. Landscaper

3. Kitchen Hand

4. Admin Assistant

5. Retail Assistant

6. Sales Assistant

7. Food Production Worker

You will undertake a self-assessment to identify where you think you need the most help and practice. Lodge an expression of interest with us and we will contact you or your case manager/DES provider to book you in!

Call 8388 6600 or email to register your interest.

More confidence, more communication skills, more independence.