Nate Overbeeke (NDIS Manager)

Nate leads the effective achievement and growth of sustainable Youth Options NDIS Services and is responsible for both overseeing quality delivery of Youth Options’ NDIS Services as well as maintaining strategic relationships with external stakeholders. He uses his understanding of shared value models of partnership and ability to drive high value brand aligned opportunities to ensure the ongoing success of our NDIS services.

Joshua Boyce (Manager – Education and Wellbeing Services)

Joshua comes to Youth Options with two decades of experiencing in working with young people across a range of settings. He is a qualified high school educational specialist, a registered teacher, and has additional significant experience and qualifications in business management, not-for-profit governance, and pastoral care.

Joshua believes that every young person deserves the opportunity to discover their passions, to engage in learning opportunities that are meaningful, to try new things, and to be encouraged to develop in their character and mastery over self. Youth Options is a wonderful avenue for young people to know that they are important, they are loved, and they have their own mark to make upon the world. It is Joshua’s privilege to lead the team entrusted to carry out this work.

Outside of his work life, Joshua is a keen home cook; a lover of travel, nature, and the outdoors; a musician and a marriage celebrant; and proud dog-dad. Living in the hills, Joshua is heavily involved with the Country Fire Service (CFS) – with responsibilities covering Fleet Maintenance and Management for the local area, cadet program coordination, training coordination, along with his duties as Senior Firefighter.

Rick Henke (Operations Manager)

Rick is our ‘Action Man’ because he gets things done! No task is too small or too big for Rick and he has a knack for finding a way to get it done. Rick manages our finance systems, supervises our Internship Students and oversees our Volunteers. Rick has developed our Drive Me program with a passion for helping young people get their P’s.

Rick is an experienced operations manager who joined Youth Options in June 2019 after 12 years’ service with the City of Salisbury. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, Diploma in Youth Work and Certificate of Business.

Rick is an active member and past President of the Rotary Club of Salisbury and a Justice of the Peace in SA. In addition, Rick has led us into the digital space with a major IT transformation.

Michelle Braham (Chief Executive Officer)

“We help people grow, feel good about themselves and hopeful for the future”

Michelle is passionate about helping people achieve their employment, education or training goals to navigate a secure future. Michelle is knowledgeable within the NFP operating environment and challenges faced by disadvantage people in the community.

Michelle joined Youth Options’ Human Resources team in 2007. Her versatility, leadership and innovation was recognised through multiple promotions, including the General Manager – Operations and Career Services in 2017. Her qualifications include Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Diploma of Human Resources, Diploma of Management and Certificate in Public Sector Management.

Michelle is an innovative and future oriented CEO regularly exploring promising practice and opportunities to provide responsive services. Michelle commenced her journey as CEO in August 2017 and has been the catalyst for major improvements in Youth Options including consolidating three locations into one Adelaide CBD location, our Sturt Street Youth Hub.

Michelle has a broad range of skills and experience in management, governance, human resources and in the establishment of services for young people and those seeking career assistance. Michelle is a professional member and sits on the National Executive Committee of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA). Prior to joining Youth Options, Michelle was employed by the Northern Territory Government.