
Youth Options cooking program is about teaching how to cook to a budget. The cooking program takes part in the Adelaide Christian Centre commercial Kitchen and is developed and Run by Youth Options staff and has been developed to educate participants in,

  • Basic Cooking Techniques
  • Recipe Exploration
  • Nutrition and Healthy Eating
  • Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Menu Planning and Creativity
  • Budgeting

Participants will be introduced to the basic cooking techniques such as chopping, dicing, roasting, baking, and grilling.

Participants will learn how to use kitchen tools and equipment properly as well as safe knife skills. Participants will engage in hands-on cooking experiences where they follow recipes to create a variety of dishes, learn how to read and interpret recipes, measure ingredients accurately, and combine flavours. Due to Youth Options not having a large budget participants will also be required to make appropriate adjustments to fit within the budget.

Participants will be educated on the importance of nutrition and how it relates to overall health and well-being. They will investigate, meal planning, dietary considerations, and awareness of food allergies. Prior to any participant conducting cooking in the ACC a requirement will be for the Food Safety and Handling component to be completed and saved to DropBox. As food safety and handling is a crucial aspect of the cooking program. Participants in the cooking program will also be trained in maintaining a clean and organised kitchen workspace.