
Carter arrived in our service in June 2022 wanting to add to his employment history in Darwin where he worked as a barista and to develop his confidence in his working future. Over 24 months he was empowered through the below services to be ready to transition to employment.
Employment Preparedness
Starting in our career development program, he explored what types of hospitality work and employers he wanted to work with and developed a plan to achieve this. This included building his work preparedness by refining his barista skills, customer service skills, and employability skills. He did this in a simulated work environment through our very small group barista skills program where he received individualised guidance from our mentor with industry experience. He also achieved his responsible serving of alcohol (RSA) certificate through our SA Government grant funded HOSPO Prepped program as part of his re-entry into the hospitality industry in Adelaide.
A Responsive Service Design
During this time we were asked to empower him to build his confidence and skills to independently catch public transport from his home to our training facility in the Adelaide CBD. In eight weeks not only did Carter experience greater independence and confidence when travelling, he also eliminated the need to fund travel supports. These savings empowered him to use his NDIS funding to invest in other services and strengthen his capacity and longer-term independence.
Developing Partnerships for Employment Transition
Our career development mentor used their deep insights of Carter and his employment goals to connect him to suitable work experience. This included work experience with SkyCity in the Adelaide CBD where the mentor negotiated an individualised placement tailored to Carter. So successful was this experience, they have employed Carter in one of their restaurants. They have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment and capability to set Carter’s employment up for success and have remained individualised in their support of him in the workplace.
As part of our wrap around model to sustain Carter’s employment, we have also invited our DES partner Multiple Solutions to support Carter as part of his success story. Their employment consultants are collaboratively supporting him as a model of support that allows each service to bring their unique skill set for the same client focussed end result.